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Amanda Marcum began to model professionally at the age of sixteen . She flew to Paris to work, compete, learn the trade, and hopefully survive the weeding out process inherent in modeling. She is quoted for saying: "In Europe it was sink or swim. I was broke, lonely, unable to communicate; and rejected on a daily basis." For four years she traveled from country to country hoping for a breakthrough.

The breakthrough came when she decided to dye her blonde hair red in order to capitalize on her resemblance to Rita Hayworth Her career skyrocketed! She received recognition with numerous covers and appearances in Max, Elle, Vogue and many others. The editorial coverage lead to advertising for L' Oreal Cosmetics , Buffalo Jeans, and Panama Jack. She strolled down the catwalks for many designers, from Chanel to Jean Paul Gaultier.

Amanda hired an agent and forged ahead. She knew she had talent, perseverance and desire.
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